Learning at home is as important as learning at school. We want to work in partnership with parents and carers to build a wraparound learning environment for our pupils. Generalisation of skills is so important and this is really where our family liaison and support comes into its own. We believe that parents are the experts on their children, they know what makes them tick, what they like and how to motivate them. We are trained professional who know how to teach, engage and support. We should all work together and listen to each other so that young people get the very best education possible.
At annual review meetings, we will talk in detail about the year’s progress and pupil’s needs and triumphs. The Annual review report contains the targets for the year and alongside these, strategies which give details about how to teach and deliver these targets. We advise parents and carers to use these well written and clear strategies, select targets that they can work on at home and let us know if they need any resources or help with this.
Please also feel free to use any resources you find in this section of the website to support pupils at home. This is more important than ever now that Covid19 is with us and there is a fairly constant risk or potential for class or whole school closures.
Our homework policy can be found under the policy section of this website.
Homework should be used to:
Homework should:
Due to the nature of their learning difficulties and / or their physical disabilities the majority of our pupils do not work on paper based tasks. Their work is practical, completed with real objects and often only achieved by working with close adult supervision and guidance.
One of the best ways to set homework is to discuss with a parent what the child is working on at present in school. This can be done through a formal homework note, a home diary note, at reviews or other face to face meetings. Teachers will give suggestions for how these can be supported at home.
How Much – How Often?
The amount of homework set cannot be dictated for all pupils. Some pupils are too tired at the end of the day to need more input. Others have the sort of home life where the one to one input needed to complete any homework is not available, and others have behaviour and other problems which makes it out of the question. Teachers have to make the decision as to which pupils will benefit from homework and how much to set. The leadership team will monitor this by scrutinising actual work, comparing classes, talking to pupils and parents. From the evaluation they will make suggestions to teachers about individual needs.
What might constitute homework?
Any of the following might be set as homework:
Completing a worksheet, writing a letter, writing a story, puzzles, reading, retelling a story to a parent, drawing, visits to the library, listening to music, interviews with friends and family, number games, model making, learning by heart, spellings, fact finding from the Internet, newspapers or books, revision, shopping or household tasks linked to independence skills.
Homework ideas on the website
There are many activities which parents can complete with their children that will develop their learning. Many of these ideas have been collected together and put on this page.
Sensory Packs
These resources are amazing and they post them out to you with a booklet of activities and why they are useful! I have attached the booklet below so you can see who might like it. To be eligible for this the household needs to earn under 45k before tax, excluding benefits.