Post 16

Pupil Destination

Please click here to download a list of where our pupils have moved on to in the last few years.

Pupil Courses

Our pupils get the opportunity to study AQA (assessment and qualifications alliance) modules from the beginning of key stage 4.

These are written with them very much in mind. They can gain certificates for anything from "using a switch" to " using public transport".

It offers a sense of equality and dignity and furthermore gives college providers a good indication of the level of the young person when they go into their settings at the age of 19.

Access Statement

The purpose of Careers and work related learning and Information And Guidance is to show Lakeside’s commitment to work related learning and development and how it fulfils its statutory obligations to ensure that vulnerable young people, who all have EHCPs, are well supported with plans specifically tailored to each individual.

This is done by:

  • contributing to preparing students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life;
  • supporting and inspiring young people to achieve their full potential, raising aspirations;
  • empowering young people to plan and manage their own futures;
  • making available comprehensive information so informed decisions can be made after weighing up all options;
  • promoting equality, diversity, social mobility and challenging stereotypes;
  • supporting young people to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives.

The school follows the latest Statutory Guidance ‘Careers guidance and access for education and training providers’ (January 2018) as well as the CDI Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education (March 18) which covers careers, enterprise and work related education and the statutory duty for schools to provide impartial, independent guidance from years 9 to 14, placing emphasis on involving employers and providing students with experiences in the world of work.

Careers Programme

Information relating to our Careers Programme can be found in the Work-Related Learning Policy. Please click here to download.

Also, our Provider Access statement can also be found by click here.

16-19 Satellite Provision

Click on the video below to see what our 16-19 year olds get up to in their satellite provision.

Lakeside School Career Leaders

Lynne Frewin
Hannah Scarborough

Careers link Governor - Ian Rice
